Immersive STEM programmes for 2nd level students
Lismore Heritage Education is a Science Foundation Ireland, “Curious Minds” Centre and we work with Secondary Schools nationwide to deliver a hands-on, immersive STEM programme to suit any size of school or class.
We have 2 STEM Programmes for Secondary Students;
*Mobile Science Workshops (1st year- T.Y.)
*Ecology Fieldtrips – Junior & Senior Cycle & T.Y.
Our Secondary School Mobile Science workshops are tailored for junior and transition year or adult education. We cover a topic, introducing many ideas and we let your student’s inquisition do the rest. Broadly based on the curriculum we blend all the strands of Science where possible to give students an experience of applying Science to real life in a positive, fun environment. Content is expanded or relaxed depending on the cycle and ability we are dealing with.
Take your pick from the workshops we have available and bring a new light to the science in your classroom. Each workshop is fully interactive and hands-on. . Below are our available workshops, we work with you to choose a date and we fit around your timetable.
We come to the school with all equipment. We generally run the workshops in the students’ own classroom.
SPACE – Junior Cycle & T.Y.
Explore the new strand of the Junior Certificate Science curriculum “Earth and Space” with Lismore’s Mobile Scientists. Especially tailored for Junior Cycle pupils, this workshop will consist of hands-on, interactive activities which explore space and how it affects our life here on earth. The solar system, motion of planets and moons, stars, rockets, space exploration, day and night and seasons are all introduced to your class and a blast-off finale is sure to spark an interest in all things cosmic.
C.S.I. – junior Cycle & T.Y.
Suspect everyone in this one hour forensic science workshop. Students will deduce, decide and discover the secrets and tricks of real life C.S.I. agents. This workshop concentrates on the practical application of science and students will piece together the clues they have found to solve the mystery. Using scientific techniques like paper chromatography and D.N.A. extraction, students get hands on and become a detective for the day!
Disgusting Digestion – Junior Cycle & T.Y.
Let us delight and disgust your class all at once as we follow the journey of real food through your digestive system. This workshop explores the functions of the internal organs, nutrient absorption and of course what happens when we are finished with the food! This is a very hands-on, interactive workshop that is sure to make students remember the guts of digestion.
€6 per student
Students are taken to the Towers Woodland in Ballysaggartmore where they participate in collecting data about the ecosystem using equipment and methods such as line transects and quadrants. All the ecology equipment is supplied along with a field-trip workbook that is filled in as the experiments are completed and can be taken back to the classroom to explore the results. The Towers and Lismore have a fascinating history that enthralls students on their way around and they get a chance to explore the famine folly of The Towers themselves. Lismore Heritage Centre is offering ecology field-trips including workbook and all equipment to Transition Year, Junior, Senior Cycle students. Please contact us for further information.
€12 per student
Do you still have questions? We have the answers you need – just get in touch.
“This project is supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme”